I know very little about MAD in China. When I first ran across an issue of the “Chinese” MAD, I envisioned MAD printed in Mainland China and what a fascinating paradox that must have been. But then I learned that “Chinese” MAD is published and distributed in Taiwan, a much more “western” country. But still it’s an interesting place to print MAD. Why did they decide to try it? Did anyone read it? Why did it only last for 6 issues? I only have four of the six issues in my collection. You can view them by clicking on the “ALL ISSUES” tab above. You will notice that issues # 2, 4, 5 & 6 have one cover displaying the English “MAD” logo and the other cover has a different scene with Chinese characters for the “MAD” logo.
What do you know about the short-lived Chinese MAD magazine?