Once again, I know little about the publication of MAD in this country. I understand MAD is currently published in India. I have only this one issue in my collection. It is published in English and is strictly a reprint of the US version. It is difficult to spot an Indian MAD. The covers are identical to the US copy except the cover is not numbered as in the U.S., there is a very small area containing pricing is for five countries, the publisher “Gotham” mark is on the cover and there is no bar code.
The website for MAD in India talks about the introduction of local content into their issue. They are in hopes of including more local material – especially about the burgeoning movie industry they call “Bollywood.”
What do you know about MAD in India? Is it widely accepted in the Indian culture?
(8/2002) I now have an additional 6 issues from late 2001/2002. They are very silmilar to the contemporary US editions.
(11/2002) I now have almost all of the India MAD issues. They all have covers directly from the contempory US issue and the content is identical to the US issue, except that the order of the articles has been rearranged.
(12/2007) I am not sure what is happening with MAD in India. Their website hasn’t been updated in a couple of years. They won’t respond to my (or anyone I know) email. They spoke of printing MAD in local languages but I haven’t seen evidence of that. The last contact I found in India was unable to find it on the newstands. Who knows?
(9/2013) It seems that they printed issues up to issue # 52 or so. Very hard to find any copies of the issues above # 28. If you have an for sale, please contact me. It also seems they never got around to printing issues in local languages.
(11/2018) I picked up a 10 additional issues from Jason Levine. Helps to fill a few holes. Let me know if you know of any of the missing issues for sale anywhere.