Issues about Issues

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Someone recently pointed out that I was missing one of the dated 2002-1 from the Swedish MAD pages.  That was true.  It seems that Swedish MAD issued two issues with a cover date 2002-1.  The Swedish issues almost always had … Continued

Up and Running on New Format

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I finished loading all 3500 covers into the new format and then went to move the site to live.   I managed to blow it away.  All gone!  I figured “what the heck”, I was using this as a learning exercise … Continued

New Website Design for

posted in: Uncategorized | 9

Once again, I am reconfiguring this website content to a new format.  Thirteen years ago, I wrote the original website in “Webtricity”, a software package my father had givien me for Christmas a couple of years earlier.  It was my … Continued